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Does Sleep Apnea Go Away?

Does Sleep Apnea Go Away?

A diagnosis of sleep apnea is difficult to take. Ordinarily, you have two choices when you are diagnosed:  Find the best treatment for you (CPAP, Dental Device, or Other) Risk going without treatment. This is tricky because sleep apnea can lead to so many other...
Does Sleep Apnea Get Worse If Untreated?

Does Sleep Apnea Get Worse If Untreated?

Sleep apnea is a widespread sleep disorder; about 30 million Americans are diagnosed with it, and most experts agree it’s wildly underdiagnosed. Despite the condition being so common, sleep apnea can potentially be severe. Here are some of the risks that come...
How to Overcome Jet Lag

How to Overcome Jet Lag

If you’ve traveled long distances before, you may know the feeling; feeling tired and groggy and not waking up early enough to jump-start your day. The good news is that jet lag is easily fixed and can even be prevented with some simple prep. Here are some...
ASMR and how it helps you sleep.

ASMR and how it helps you sleep.

ASMR is a new trend that many people use to help them sleep, but could it help you? Let’s find out! What is ASMR? “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a tingling sensation that usually begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine....
How to kick bedtime procrastination

How to kick bedtime procrastination

Bedtime procrastination is a frustrating occurrence that affects so many of us. You can read about the psychology behind the phenomenon here: WHY DO WE PROCSRATINATE AT BEDTIME? Here are some tricks you can implement to kick your bedtime procrastination.  Change...
What does lack of sleep do for development?

What does lack of sleep do for development?

Sleep is important for people of all ages, but it is well known that children need more sleep than adults on average. What happens to kids development when they aren’t getting the sleep they need?  Academic Performance The Sleep Foundation highlights that children who...
Should you sleep with a pet?

Should you sleep with a pet?

Sleeping with pets is a common practice that many pet owners swear by. Many people claim it helps lower stress levels, therefore, enabling better sleep. But does science or logic back up this opinion? Let’s find out to help you decide if this nightly routine is right...
How to Keep a Sleep Journal

How to Keep a Sleep Journal

Without a sleep journal, it’s almost impossible to know what advice works or how to solve your sleep issues. At Advanced Homecame, we provide valuable information and advice for sleep apnea patients about getting better sleep, managing your sleep apnea, and adjusting...